Potential RRP Workshop Topics

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    28. 11. 2013
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Potential RRP Workshop Topics


Delegates will learn how to identify, quantify and challenge credible recovery options that can be implemented under a range of idiosyncratic and market - wide stress scenarios, addressing both capital shortfalls and liquidity pressures.

 The   workshop   will  consist  of  a  series of practical case studies and recommendations designed to be as interactive as possible. Case studies and exercises, often taken from real-life scenarios, will be extensively used.


- operational risk managers (CRO)

- financial directors (FD)

- internal auditors

- personnel who is responsible for defining the bank ś Recovery and  Resolution  Plan


1.     Regulatory Background and the Current Expectations for RRPs

  • Overview of current regulatory guidance on RRPs - this would be tailored to the situation at the time but could be expected to include:
    • Update to RRD
    • FSB Key Attributes
    • Update from UK regulation
  • Update on structural reform agenda (e.g. ICB, Liikanen, Dodd Frank)
  • Comparative consideration of RRP related proposals globally

 2.     Structuring the Bank for Recovery and Resolution

  • Determining an effective strategy for a firm:
    • Consideration of Single and Multiple Point of Entry
    • Identifying key banking operations for continuity during recovery
    • Structuring legal entities and operations (incl. cross border)
    • Organising centralised functions
  • Practical lessons from implementing structural change

 3.     Bail-In

  • Update on current status of rules
  • Bail-inable liabilities (loss absorbing capacity; PLAC, SLAC and MREL)
  • Creditor hierarchy and depositor preference
  • What is required to make bail in operational at a firm level

4.     Operationalising Resolution

  • Preparing in advance
  • Data and information requirements
  • Valuation of assets and liabilities
  • Determining the recapitalisation requirement
  • Liquidity provision in resolution
  • Testing, exercising and simulating resolution

 5.     Cross-Border Resolution

  • Update on latest FSB guidance
  • Accommodating different priorities of regulators
  • Application of approach and regulations in different regions
  • Responding to Crisis Management Groups

 6.     Governance of Recovery and Resolution

  • An overview of industry practice
  • Importance of embedding within overall risk appetite and managem


Rachael Clarke, is a Senior Manager in Deloitte’s UK Financial Services Industry practice.  She has an in-depth knowledge of RRP policy and live contingency planning.  She has worked closely with UK and European banks in developing their RRPs, building on experience gained while on secondment to the Bank of England’s Special Resolution Unit (SRU).

Rachael completed an 18 month secondment to the SRU, where she was involved in contingency planning for specific institutions, inputting to policy development of resolution tools and RRP requirements, developing work on considering the application of a bail-in tool in the UK, considering barriers to resolution and developing the Authorities’ framework for assessing resolvability and reviewing firms’ RRP submissions.

She has since performed review and challenge of RRPs at a number of top-tier banks and worked closely on the operational side of resolution planning.  She has worked on contingency planning related Section 166 reviews, for example around operational dependencies and live contingency planning cases.

She has developed a range of resolution-focussed experience since the failures of 2008, having first assisted the winding up board and resolution committees of two Icelandic banks and worked on the unwind of a large CDS programme.


1 deň

Aktuálne termíny

28. 11. 2013 (Pozvánka)


230.07 € bez DPH
276.08 € s DPH

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